0tt0 and Doc [MASTERDOC PART 1]

Basic Background/Setting:

  • These ocs live in this massive city of no name(partially because I think its cool and partially because I suck at naming things)

  • Cyberpunk/dystopian vibes

  • Built on a kind of incline

  • Wealthier people live higher up, away from flooding, while the poorer people live deeper down

  • Big punk scene in the lower buildings/slums/whatever

  • Advanced(to us) technology is ingrained in society

  • Many androids, cool ass cars, bright lights, you get it

  • TLDR; this city is all like if Club Cyberia from Lain, the Hole from Dorohedoro, the city from Stray, and the city from Akira had a baby



  • Cynthia Park:

  • Gender/Sexuality: Bisexual and Cis(she/her)

  • Age: 21

  • Ethnicity/Race: Korean

  • Education Situation/Employment: College Dropout(Theoretical Mathematics), Untitled 1

  • Relationship Status: Taken

  • Notable physical features: 5’11, bionic eye(got metal shrapnel to the face in high school; tech ed accident), long bleached hair with roots growing back in

  • The lead singer and bassist of her band, Untitled 1, she dropped out of school in the name of sticking out and rebelling against both society and her father. She’s in a relationship with the keyboardist/"drummer", Jade. Cynthia has a rash personality and doesn't think much about what she does or says, and disregards how her actions affect others.

  • This is part of the reason why her relationship with her father is so rocky, as he is a very cautious man. They have not spoken since she dropped out of college, two years before. Before she dropped out, she had been hellbent on pleasing her father with her grades and achievements. This was a significant stressor for her and eventually she broke under the pressure. Since then, she’s been obsessed with her freedom and living for the thrills she didn't get before she went no contact with her dad.

  • Although she is loving towards Jade and their other friends, she often seeks said thrills and chaos over upholding her relationships properly.

  • Jade Evitts:

  • Gender/Sexuality: Butch lesbian and nonbinary(he/they)

  • Age: 22

  • Ethnicity/Race: Black

  • Education Situation/Employment: Graduated High School, wants to study fashion design, Untitled 1

  • Relationship Status: Taken

  • Notable Physical Features: 5’6, wears braces and little shades all the time

  • The keyboardist and “drummer” of Untitled 1(they don't really drum, they just use a shitty launch pad).

  • Cynthia and Jade have known each other since high school, and are now dating.

  • Though he is happy to be involved in Cynthia’s life and newfound freedom from her stress, they often find themself jealous of the opportunity she had and threw away.

  • Unknown Third Member:

  • Gender/Sexuality: Unlabeled(any pronouns)

  • Age: ???

  • Ethnicity/Race: ???

  • Education Situation/Employment: Untitled 1

  • Relationship Status: Single probably

  • Notable Physical Features: 5’7, ski mask, big black clothes, weird vibe

  • --

  • All info on them is pretty much obscured. When they performed, they would wear a ski mask to hide their identity.

  • They were the lead guitar player of the band and had a weird air about them.

  • All that is known about them is that they died in an accident that was partially Cynthia’s fault.

  • After their third member died, Untitled 1 broke up.


  • Dr. Cynthia Park:

  • Gender/Sexuality: Bisexual and Cis(she/her)

  • Age: 32

  • Ethnicity/Race: Korean

  • Education/Employment Situation: College Graduate in Engineering and Robotics, working at NeuraTech Robotics

  • Relationship Status: Single

  • Notable physical features: 5’11, bionic eye(got metal shrapnel to the face in high school; tech ed accident), short black(graying) hair, deep eyebags

  • After the third member’s death, Cynthia broke up with Jade and the band fell apart. She has extreme guilt over whatever happened to their third member, and basically decided the reckless life she was living was no longer worth it.

  • Her former reserved personality returned, more jaded now. She began saving money to go back to study, and managed to get a PhD in Robotics and Engineering. With great difficulty, she rose in the ranks of society just enough to get an okay job at NeuraTech Robotics, the biggest corporation in the city. NeuraTech is the main supplier of tech in the city, from lights to full on androids.

  • Though she has her own office, it's obvious that what she does is not particularly a well appreciated part of the company. Her equipment is low quality, and her office is accessable to pretty much everyone in the building.

  • Her main job is to clean up robotics that have something wrong with them on base aspects, like tangled wires and dust. She's… completely overqualified for this position.

  • She hates her job.

  • 0tt0:

  • Gender/Sexuality: Unlabeled(he/it)

  • Age: Unknown manufacture date

  • Ethnicity/Race: None, is a robot

  • Education Situation/Employment: Unemployed, is a robot

  • Relationship Status: Single

  • Notable Physical Features: 7’0, android with an old computer monitor for a head, wears a jacket slowly getting more and more covered in patches, [0:

  • 0tt0 is an android that Dr. Park, or “Doc” as he calls her, had been set to clean.

  • Also, weirdly enough, it seems it’s head is suspiciously the same model provided to workers at NeuraTech.

  • Most robots she cleaned didn't seem to have much agency when they were powered on, and frankly STAYED OFF. When she tried to start looking it over, he repeatedly turned back on(or maybe he was just pretending to be off in the first place), preventing her from getting a good look at his circuits. This is notable later.

  • 0tt0, coincidentally, happens to be a big fan of Untitled 1 and recognizes Doc after reading her nametag.

  • 0tt0 is a curious and mischievous fella and is really into the punk scene of the city. He was originally found wandering the alleyways and generally causing trouble further up the city.

Someone caught him and turned him into NeuraTech Robotics thinking it might have belonged to the company. NeuraTech higher- ups have absolutely no idea where he is from, so it's been through every sect of the building trying to see what's up with him.
Due to company policy, no one has looked where Doc has to. Really, the only one who has to go that deep is her.
Eventually, she's given an assignment from Management to just keep him under control and basically babysit him, as before it had come to her it was really making a mess up the labs.
She's not really a big fan of this, but don't worry, she will be.

-Quick Explanation on NeuraTech Robotics-

  • Q: How does this company function?

  • A: It's all pretty mysterious. NTR is honestly in control of so much, and no one who works there really knows what's going on with Management. In fact, everyone pretty much only hears from Management from creepy futuristic fax machines installed in every office and lab. The basic layout of the building(which is absolutely massive, by the way) is that the least important jobs are weirdly on the top floors, while the most important jobs stretch way underground. And yes, it takes fucking years for Doc to get to her office. She despises it.

  • Q: Are they evil?

  • A: NTR is led by billionaires who don't care about their workers and exploit their workers. So yes. They are.

  • Q: If they’re so bad, why is Doc still working there?

  • A: She doesn't feel like she has a choice in the matter. According to her father, this is how you’re supposed to be a functioning member of society, and she’s not willing to do what she was doing before.

  • Q: Does Doc have any friend- coworkers at NTR?

  • A: No, not really. She finds a lot of them pretty annoying, and everyone else finds her really intimidating(RBF moment)

-Quick Explanation on NeuraTech Robotics Over-

More on 0tt0: ANATOMY

  • Okay so here's where it gets weird. I’m going to stress here how 0tt0 has no memory of his past. To put it simply here, 0tt0 runs off of organs. He has several weird attributes with his body, including the following:

  1. Brain

  2. Heart

  3. Lungs

  4. Throat

  5. Tongue

  6. Teeth

  7. Blood being pumped through his body

This flew under the radar because 1) No one else was allowed to look too deep, and 2) He actively hid it.When Doc found this out, she understandably freaked out and ran home as fast as she could manage. 0tt0, the genius he is, followed her to her apartment to apologize for not giving her much of a warning.
She's obviously like “What the hell man there's no way you just followed me home”, but she eventually lets it in to explain itself.
-The long and short of the situation is that 0tt0 has absolutely no idea how he’s come to be. He has no memory of his past, and although he knows he runs off partially of “organs”, he has no idea if they are synthetic or real. It also tells Doc that he's felt actually safe the past few weeks when it was around her, and asks if they can still be friends.
She accepts his apology.